Welcome to the Hungry Hungary Post


Welcome to the Hungry Hungary Post

Bringing you the latest happenings around Hungary

This website is made on a computer containing 90% pirated software. 

The Webmaster would like all visitors to this website to pray for all Americans. I condemn all terrorism and I knew that America would not be shaken by such cowardly acts. For now lets have a minute of silence to show respect to all those whom sacrifice their life in this tragic incident.

Hungarian whom have their concern ones in America can visit the Hungary embassy in Washington for help. The URL is http://www.hungaryemb.org/

Site updates

***Newly added, a pull down menu have been added for easy site navigation***
*** Important Changes has been made to the political analysis***
***Major changes make to Social-Cultural analysis***
***Completed Technological analysis***
***New articles added on Talking point page***
***New sources added***


This website is created for a school assignment purpose. But feel free to visit, and don't forget to drop me a note in the guest book. Don't forget to join in the forums and Chats (down due to unexpected server failure). Start your day by clicking on the buttons above


Please fill in the Survey of Hungarian Business Prospects


I have created an online Community @ www.hyperoffice.com called "The Hungary Post Group", feel free to sign up, the password is "hungry". Come and join lots of people in a wild and lively discussion. 

Note: the above group is do exist but does the webmaster does not spend time running it, any one whom like to please contact me

Featured Article/s of the Week. I invite you to take a look, and participle in the related polls and surveys. This article would also be the of the week!
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Here is a small description of what your are going to get in this website. If you like me to include anything else please email me:

The WEBMASTERemail4.gif (19636 bytes)

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Below are some descriptions of what you are going to see here

Home:           Home Page
The latest news headlines in Hungary
Talking Point:   
This is where i talk about happenings in Hungary and comment them,    I                   encourage interactiveness so i have included with the
                    write-ups polls and surveys.

Info:              General Information about Hungary
Files:             Documents of my Country analysis (the main meat of this website)
Financial:       Currency exchange and stocks
Chat:             Chat (sorry due to technical error I am force to remove this page)
Forums:         Forums
Guestbook:   Guest Book
Links:            Hyperlinks of the sources of information i use.

Contact us (this would open up a new window)

Please take part in the below poll

Status Poll
Are u living in Hungary?

Yes! I am
No! but i use to be (i immigrate)
No, but i have been there
No, and i never go there before

Current Results

If you like us to put up any other polls please suggest them to the Editorial Group

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